MCM 2019: Nope.

ASICS’ letters translated in Latin means “a sound mind in a sound body.” I had a sound mind when I woke up at 0400 this morning to go run. A sound body? Everything except my right knee.

The soreness in my right knee started around Friday morning. I was able to run it off then, but it wouldn’t go away. I got up this morning in good spirits, getting my tub of yogurt for breakfast, getting dressed, prepped and stretched. Unfortunately, the “feel good” went away just as I started to run. My right knee wasn’t moving right when I ran, and it wasn’t working itself out. I got about 130 yards before I decided to call the run off.

Funny thing: I was looking for my long-lost roll of KT tape that I purchased at a MCM Runner’s Expo last year. Ten minutes after I got back home, I took a peek at the floor between my dresser and a smaller drawer…oh, THERE it is. I had thought about putting some on my kneecap and taking another shot, but I was already done for the day.

Even if I had gone, I was not as ready for the post race. I didn’t have any epsom salt for my post-run bath, nor did I have any chocolate milk for the nutrition cool down (although some of my whey protein would have sufficed).

Week In Review/Week Ahead:

In retrospect, this week may have been where my bike riding has caught up with me and taken its toll. I believe I am pedaling heavy with my right leg, since I also have a sore right thigh muscle to boot. I have to start making some decisions to balance bike riding four to five day a week versus running three days a week.

Right now, I should have some ice on my sore right knee, if not already wearing a brace. I’m walking with a bit of a limp right now, so I need to address that ASAP. For now, I am going to take off until Thursday (cycle day) so I can rest and treat my right leg.

I hope I can heal quickly; I was doing pretty good with my pace this week, especially considering I ran tow mostly downhill courses.

Life hacks from St. Mary’s Beerfest 2019:

Saturday was the first time I had gone to any drinking festival in the eleven years that I have lived in southern Maryland. The Beerfest, hosted by Historic St. Mary’s City, is a gathering of local (St. Mary’s and Calvert counties) and regional (DC/Maryland/Virginia) microbreweries, with some local eateries. The $25 entry fee came with a free 16-oz. souvenir glass and four free drink tickets. You could sample any of the pilsners, lagers, or ales on tap for one ticket, or get a full glass four four. After your initial run of tickets were spent, you could purchase more for a dollar apiece.

Stuff I learned yesterday:

  1. Dress for warm weather. Blue jeans in 80-plus degree weather are considered “overdressing.” A set of running shorts (and one of my tech shirts) would have been fine.
  2. Make sure you hand over the ticket amount you want to purchase. I wanted only a ticket’s worth of Ruddy Duck’s hard lemonade; the vendor took all three of the tickets and gave me a full glass. I did manage to finish it all, with a side of foot-long hotdog, but that proved to be the end of my day’s drinking.
  3. Uber is a good idea. When my Uber driver dropped me off at the Beerfest entry point, there were a half dozen St. Mary’s County Sherrif’s vehicles parked in the immediate area. “nuff said.

Song of the Day:

From two complications and a soundtrack:

Asia/”Heat of the Moment: And now you find yourself in ’82 /The disco hotspots hold no charm for you/ You can’t concern yourself with bigger things /You catch the pearl and ride the dragons wings. No idea what that last means, 37 years later…

Cameo/”Word Up:’ KORN actually covered this song; no idea why. And did this band actually have TEN other members (Ray Parker, Jr. among them) at one time? Sorry, no lyrics on hand on YouTube, and I’m too lazy to look them up right now.

Fatboy Slim/”Gangsta Trippin’:” Because somewhere I had already chosen Len/”Steal My Sunshine.” “What would you’ll do when the What would you’ll do when the What would you’ll do when the Fatboy’s trippin’ ?” I guess I’ll just dance?



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